- Montly target:
- 6 200 RUB
- Progress:
- 0%
Buying VIP access to our game servers, you are helping us.
VIP-users will get:
- reserved slot for connect when servers are full (Instructions);
- classlimit immunity;
- autobalance immunity;
- join your favorite team (type
in the chat);
- high ping kicker immunity;
- advertisements immunity;
- two beautiful effects at spawning;
- footsteps (type
in the chat);
- set the color of your buildings (type
in the chat);
- special colors of your tag/nickname/text in the chat:
- for VIP players: [VIP] MyOLoLo-o-o : Blah...
- for VIP admins: [A][VIP] Volandemort : I am admin!
- you can chose tag and colors (type
in the chat)
- invulnerability and increased speed of movement after the round end;
- take a robot skin (type
in the chat).
VIP-access is activated immediately after payment. However, you will need to reconnect if you were on the server at the time of purchase.
Все возникающие вопросы решаются действующими администраторами в STEAM-группе проекта ALTFS.
Руководство проекта: [email protected], +7-905-282-2050.
List of tariffs:
Tariffs |
Price per month |
Price per period |
Server |
Purchase |
ALL SERVERS/ 1 month |
230 RUB |
230 RUB |
ALL SERVERS/ 2 month |
220 RUB |
440 RUB |
ALL SERVERS/ 6 month |
210 RUB |
1260 RUB |
ALL SERVERS/ 12 month |
200 RUB |
2400 RUB |
Политика конфиденциальности, Публичная оферта
Sincerely, your Alice.
© 2013 VIP System
Vaio, KorDen for HLMod Community